In today's modern business, every brand wants to grab attention with amazing content, and promo videos are the stars of the show. Whether you're a big company or a small startup, promo videos are key to getting lots of views and catching the eye of potential customers. And here's the big news: thanks to AI, you can now make awesome promo videos super fast. No need to spend forever learning how to write video scripts or edit videos. In this guide, I'll show you five easy steps to use the power of AI, like ChatGPT and InVideo, to make fantastic and powerful promo videos that people will love.
Let's kick this off by really getting your idea in gear. Whether your brand's a big player or a small fry, nailing down a killer concept is the bedrock of any standout promo video. Just imagine: you're like a guru who's incredible at teaching people to speak confidently. You've got this brand-new course that's all fresh and exciting, and you're dreaming of a promo video that totally blows everyone away. To start, put on your thinking cap and answer three important questions.
1. Who do you want to watch your video?
2. Which problem does your course fix?
3. What impressive things does your course do?
These three questions are like the strong foundation that holds up your whole idea.
So now that your genius concept's locked in, let's whip up a script that's pure gold. And who's stepping onto the scene to lend a digital hand? None other than ChatGPT – the AI powerhouse from the minds over at OpenAI.It can assist you in generating high-quality text based on your prompts. Think of it as having a virtual buddy who helps you write remarkable content without any hassle.
To get started, log in to your ChatGPT account and access the prompt box. Your questions or prompts will help ChatGPT create the script you want. How you ask the questions really matters. So, remember these important things:
✓ Identify the video type, such as a demo or Facebook ad.
✓ Specify the content you're offering or distributing.
✓ Define the intended audience for your video.
✓ Indicate the video's duration.
✓ Describe the desired atmosphere or tone.
✓ Note any additional elements you'd like to include, like an introduction or a call to action.
For example, let's say you're making a promo video for your course that teaches people how to be great speakers. You could talk to ChatGPT in a way that makes the script sound exciting and helpful. You'd want it to talk about how the course helps, the wonderful things people can learn, and why your course is perfect for them.
By chatting back and forth with ChatGPT, you can make your script sound just like you want it. Once you've got your script done, you're all set to move on to the next step.
With that script in your pocket, it's time to bring it to life with InVideo. InVideo is a tool that helps you make awesome videos without needing to be a tech wizard. They've got more than 5000 templates that you can use. You'll definitely find one that's just right for your brand and what your video is all about.
Look through the templates and use keywords and filters to find what you need. While having colors and fonts that match your brand is great, what's even cooler is the vibe and style of the template. Every template has a different look, so you can pick the one that matches your brand's vibe and the mood of your promo video.
Once you find the perfect template, jump into InVideo's editor and start turning it into a visual version of your script. Think of the template as your drawing board. You're going to swap out the parts that are already there with your own stuff, making your promo video look totally unique and pro.
It's time to turn the template into your very own masterpiece! Start by changing the placeholder text with the script you made before. Go for short and catchy words because promo videos work best when they catch attention fast. Next, switch out the generic images and videos with your own. Just make sure they match the template's beat and style.
Let's move on to adding a voiceover to your video to give it a personal touch. You can use your own voice to make it unique and avoid any copyright problems. Make sure to smoothly mix in your voiceover, adjusting how loud it is and how long it lasts to match the background music perfectly. This will make your video sound just right!
Making an exciting promo video doesn't need lots of tech know-how or tons of time. With the magic of AI tools like ChatGPT and InVideo, you can create incredible promo videos that really connect with your audience. Try out this cool new way and see your brand's message shine in your videos. Jump into the world of AI-powered content creation and see your brand do great things!
Now that you've rocked creating promo videos with AI, let's take your content creation to the next level. Check out “How To Teach ChatGPT To Write Like You,” a guide that goes perfectly with your video-making skills. Learn how to make AI write just like you, so your content is always your style. Mixing your video talents with customized AI writing, you'll totally change how you create awesome content!
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