With billions of active members from all over the world, Facebook is one of the most popular social networking platforms. Many international businesses and brands utilize Facebook advertising to reach out to more potential customers and clients. As a result, Facebook has developed a hosted feature to help you make your marketing campaign more successful. One of these elements, the poll, encourages users to interact with the business page.
Facebook polls are a great and easy way for some users to respond to questions that can be used for research or to gauge a group's opinion on a service, product, or anything else. On Facebook pages, personal walls, messages, and groups, you can create a poll. In reality, anyone with a Facebook account may create a poll.
Users can use Facebook polls to:
On Facebook, you'll also find a variety of polls to choose from. You can pick the one that you believe will work best for you.
This is perhaps the most popular Facebook poll. You can easily draw a vast group of users to your group, and everyone can effortlessly engage with each other. Groups are a great way to build a community around your product while also getting useful feedback. It's a fantastic technique to acquire information from your targeted users.
Because it allows users to connect anonymously with one another, Facebook's Messenger services are commonly utilized around the world. It's most typically used for one-on-one personal communications, although it can also be utilized for small groups. Other features include the option of creating a poll that would only be viewable to participants of your group discussion.
Facebook stories appear on personal profiles and allow users to share photos and short videos with their friends and family via the owner's contacts. Users can use story polls to get information about this feature.
An increasing number of users are able to upload videos to Facebook and it can be quite a powerful marketing tool. These are wonderful methods for informing consumers about your products or services in a simple and clear manner. You can ask any question regarding the video in the form of a poll while posting it to a Facebook page. This is a fantastic way to get immediate feedback on a particular product or service.
We can't ignore that polls can perform wonders for your business and that they are an important tool for your brand. You'll feel more connected to your audience right away, and it'll be easier for you to figure out how they feel about your products and services.
Facebook supports adding a poll to your Facebook Group, and this way you can collect responses from your group members. I’m in my group called “The Six Figure Online Hustle” also known as “Make Money With Alicia” and I’d love for you to join this group.
So here’s how we do it, I’ll go to “Write something” and I’ll click on that.
Now, it’s going to give me all these different options of what I can write if I press this “3 dots” on more.
I’m gonna choose and click the “Poll” option, so I can add a Poll.
I’ve written down some questions already and I’ll be adding these to our Poll.
Here’s our Poll.
This is your headline. This is where you’ll put in your questions.
And now, I have the different options for the Poll. Click “Add Option” to add another one. I have 5 options tools for entrepreneurs here.
One of the things I’m going to do to get my polls started is tagging people who are in the group.
Click this profile icon to start tagging people.
Type in the name of the people you want to tag in the search bar and click them.
These are the people I’ve tagged, click “Done” when you’re finished tagging.
This will help people see it to get the poll started.
Click “Post” to continue.
When they do vote on it, you’ll see their face/profile on the right side. You can hover over to see who it is and see what they voted for.
They can vote for more than one or they can just vote for one.
Here is the result of my Poll after a few hours. As I am creating new courses for my students, I definitely know what they want to learn about.
If I want to pin it, I’ll just click these 3 dots at the upper right corner to pin it to the top. Also if I have the email addresses of my group members, I can email them and let them know that a Poll is in the group and I’ll get more votes on the Poll or tag more group members to get more action on the Poll.
This was added by someone else. You can have your students or your group members add questions. This was added by Mitzie Stewart (Administration CRMs)
Ultimately, Facebook polls can be enjoyable as well as valuable to your business. They're a great approach to discovering much about your intended audience and may disclose information that will help you deliver exactly what they want. They're generally free to use, easy to set up, and with a significant benefit to your business.
I hope you do join my Facebook Group so you can see more strategies on what we’re doing to make our group more engaging.
You can just look for it “The Six Figure Hustle” or you can go Here to Join.
I’ll see you in my Facebook Group!